International Training Day

International Training Day

Design Thinking is the topic that animated our location these days.
Everything revolved around the upgrade training course of  Lego Serious Play, a method that aims at developing creative thinking, communication and problem solving skills in business settings using Lego bricks.
The international working group was led by two trainers from The Netherlands.

Caviardage: how to get alternative feedback on training

We asked participants to assess the training experience they were living through a brief exercise of Caviardage, an art and creative writing technique already familiar to some that consists of blackening out portions of text.

Each source text recalled an atmosphere or emotion – beauty, boredom, fun, initiative, sadness, relationship – to be linked to the training experience and they were excerpts from internationally renowned books, like The Catcher in the Rye, On the Road, High Fidelity, Anna Karenina, Henry V, Oblomov, Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, Alice in Wonderland, Gulliver’s Travels. 

One of the participants revealed: “It was like the words on the page were calling me, I felt carried to another dimension”.
Even participants who did not know this technique showed a great enthusiasm and they deep dived this educational experience that eventually became a true source of inspiration.

Francesca Tarenghi, International Communication Manager at Quid, valued the outcome and said: “This experience is a way to open your mind on things. It’s interesting to see the reaction of individuals to this technique. At the beginning they find it extremely hard and then something just clicks and insights start to flow at them. You actually understand how important it is to investigate what’s inside you. When you set up a personal connection with words written by other authors, you allow yourself to enter uncharted territory and you always come out with unexpected findings”.